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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

6 Common Problems Students Face During College

Hi friends.....While time spent at college is a fond memory and a happy experience for most, college life is not without its rough patches and problems. While each persons problems are unique to their current circumstances, I know that there are a few problems that almost all college students deal with at least once during their time at school. If you are on your way into college you might want to get a jump on how to deal with the 10 Common Problems Students Face During College.  If you are reading for the sake of remembrance and posterity, I would ask that you try and throw a few good memories into the mix as you plod through the problems that once plagued you in your youth, or not so distant past.

1. Study
Problem:  College is challenging.  For many it requires a much larger effort than high school did, and unlike most high schools, college packs about two years of classes into one. At times it seems impossible for students to stay on top of it all.
Solution:  College students need to realize their limits. While the purpose of college is to study and to further the education of an individual, that doesn't mean students should study all of the time.  It is important to schedule time for fun outside of study, and to take study breaks to keep the mind fresh and clear.
2. Money
Problem:  Tuition costs are rising at alarmingly high rates. Couple that with eating out, shopping trips,and the price of textbooks, and you have a college student's worst nightmare.  College students drop out of college each year because they cannot afford it.  Others are forced to juggle full schedules with full time jobs to make ends meet.  It is becoming increasingly harder for students to graduate debt-free.
Solution:  A new startup called BuzzFund is aiming to change the way that students pay for college.  Buzzfund is a website where college students can post their personal profile, and donors can search for studetns to provide scholarships to.  In addition, students can make less shopping trips, eat out less, and share or buy used books to try to save some money.

3. Homesickness
Problem:  Whether they admit it or not, most students will at one point get homesick.  This is especially common for students who go to a school that is more than 3 hours from their home.  Homesickness also affects freshman as it is presumably their first year away from home.
Solution:  If the student lives within 3 - 4 hours from home, they can plan to visit home perhaps once every month or two.  Care packages, emails, and phone calls to and from friends and family members can also greatly assist in reducing feelings of homesickness.

5. Depression
Problem:  Most every problem on here has seemed quite dismal.  These problems raise the stress levels of students.  Some find relief in partying, and others (even some who party) find themselves getting depressed from their problems.
Solution:  If high stress levels and depression are an issue, it is best to seek professional attention.  Many campuses have free counseling programs for the benefit of students.  Many counselors are more than willing to listen and help students get back on track.  (This doesn't mean the partying has to stop either, so long as students are partying responsibly and legally.)

6. Friends / Roommates
Problem:  Friends and roommates are usually good for a good time.  However, they can get on each others nerves at times.  Because these students are living together in close quarters and seeing each other each day, this is just not a good thing
Solution:  Students must remember to take some time out for themselves.  If possible, students should get away from campus for a little while and go to a coffee shop, or a mall and just take some time to gather their thoughts and be themselves.  If conflicts do arise, it is best to get others (such as an RA or other friends) involved so that the spirit of community, unity, and peace at the college can continue to be upheld.


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